
September 30, 2019 webmaster_mandy 0 Comments

Ruth and her friends during a night time bike ride with the Chicago skyline in the background

(she/her, they/them)

Hometown: San Rafael, Estado de Mexico, Mexico

Occupation: Community Programs Coordinator at CLOCC (Lurie Children’s Hospital)

Other hobbies/interest (besides climbing): Bicycling, playing guitar, reading, growing my collection of plants

Years/experience climbing: less than 6 months

How did you start climbing: One of my best friends invited me to a Sending in Color event back of February of this year and I started going to all the Sending in Color events I could attend. Last month I bought a 10 day pass to start climbing more often, all inspired by Sending in Color people I met.

Ruth bouldering at FA Block 37

Favorite discipline of climbing: Bouldering is mostly what I have done, but I would like to top rope.

Favorite gym/crag (or dream climbing destination): Humboldt is my main gym. And I’m going to Texas to climb with a friend, so that’s my dream climbing destination right now.

Goals: 1) To consistently climb more often, and
2) to do more top rope climbing

What does Sending in Color mean to you:

SIC to me is a supportive community that holds space for BIPoC communities

Anything else you would like to say to the community: I recently came back from serving in the US Peace Corps. I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed in my transition back to US life. Sending in Color has helped me re-integrate due to its communal and encouraging nature. Plus the events are super fun!

Instagram: @ruthdujour