Photo credit: Sarah Epstein
Founded: June 2019
Mission: We aim to cultivate an inclusive space and provide representation within the Chicago climbing community for people of diverse genders, sexes, and sexualities.
Member Demographic: LGBTQ+ identifying folks
Why is having this affinity space important: This space is so important to the members of our queer community because of representation!
When people do not see themselves represented in a community they feel marginalized. Having LGBTQ+ representation in climbing spaces shows that everyone is welcome. It shows the management of gyms that the queer community is vast, especially within their walls.
Not only do we welcome everyone to join us, but we will also fight to have our voices heard.
Anything else you’d like to say: If anyone has any suggestions or things they would like to get out of this group, please reach out and let us know! The best way to contact us is Instagram or Facebook.

Follow us to learn about
upcoming events!
Instagram: @queersontherocks
Facebook: QueersOnTheRocks